Surya's Accomplishments

Technical Reports   Research Projects   Technology Projects   Environmental   Personal Blog  

My projects, from my data science and machine learning developments to my climate change research projects are inspired by passion and a drive to change. Throughout modern history, especially in recent days, it has become clear that science and novel research is the key to solving the world's most pressing problems. As a student researcher, I believe I play a very unique role in the science community. I interact with the day-to-day world as many of my peers do and truly experience it. I also engage in a unique time in history, as a Generation Z'er, I, along with my peers, also hold the future in my hands. My projects and research largely capture the time in which we live in. They try to solve, or atleast address the somewhat hazy reality we live in. My projects come from the heart. They reflect my personality as a technology enthusiast. But they also reflect my beliefs and my desire to strike nation and global change.

Technical Projects: Aerospace and Computational Engineering

Research Projects: MRSF, VSEF, and INSPO STEM Fair Papers

The Effect of Anthropogenically Weighted Atmospheric Entropy on Potential Intensity of Tropical Cyclones
Metro Richmond and Virginia Science and Engineering Fair
INSPO Research & Innovation Fair Paper with calculus an statistcs explanation

Environmental Advocacy:

My research, activism, outreach, and leadership in the field of sustainability
Excerpt of Presentation Given at State Key Club Conference
Into to my Data Science for Climate Advocacy project - INSPO Research Fair

Computers and Technology Projects:

  • Covid-19 Analysis and Forecasting Using LSTM Neural Networks (My Lastest Project)
  • Climate Change Analysis and Prediction using MLP Models (Junior Year)
  • Predicting Cyber Threats using Anamoly Detecttion (Sophmore Year)
  • Home Automation IoT Device - Controlling brightness of light bulbs using Google Cloud and Angular Web App (Sophmore Year IB Personal project)

Pictures of my Work:

Personal Blog:

Whenever a thought is bugging me and I want to express my views, I resort to my personal blog to carry my message across

Lessons we can learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Truth about the Economy