Surya Selvam


Environmental Advocate and Technolgy Enthusiast

I am an Environmental Advocate and Technology Enthusiast. For one, I am concerned about our planet. Our home is facing the existential threat of climate change due to the expansion and "over-reliance" on fossil fuel corporations as well as demand for dirty forms of energy. I am also a curious technologist interested in researching, advancing, and investing in a renewable future and an innovative digital era. Along with with my passion for climate advocacy, I have also developed a love for computers in parellel, leading me to utilie my interest in computing, specifically machine learning for a computational and analytical study of climate trends. My climate research has been showcased at regional, state and national science fairs and has won the NASA Earth Science Systems Award and NOAA Taking the Pulse of the Planet Award.

As a computer scientist, my goal has been to expand this gift that I have been fortunate to recieve to other underprivielege individuals in my state. As the President of the J.R. Tucker Computer Science National Honors Society and volunteer at CodeVA and Capital One Coders, my goal is to teach and provide free computer science resources to those who cannot afford them.

I am a student public speaker who serves as the captain of the J.R. Tucker Speech Team and State champion at the Virginia High School League Varsity Speech tournament and Optimist International Oratorical Competition. This has shaped me into an influential speaker and leader in my community.

With our democracy, planet, and welfare slowly devolving from the lack of accountability in our government, I have decided to fight and spread awareness for a prosperous future for all people. I have done so using my blog and video content and am also actively volunteering for grassroots campaigns, specifically working towards voter engagement and combatting voter suppression.